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Kinh nghiệm về việc làm thế nào để học sinh học toán tốt

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  • Phó Quản lý Toán Cao cấp
  • 4273 posts
Theo quan niệm của các thầy coi giáo và các bạn học sinh thì ta cần phải làm như thế nào để học sinh học toán tốt ?

Discovery is a child’s privilege. I mean the small child, the child who is not afraid to be wrong, to look silly, to not be serious, and to act differently from everyone else. He is also not afraid that the things he is interested in are in bad taste or turn out to be different from his expectations, from what they should be, or rather he is not afraid of what they actually are. He ignores the silent and flawless consensus that is part of the air we breathe – the consensus of all the people who are, or are reputed to be, reasonable.


Grothendieck, Récoltes et Semailles (“Crops and Seeds”). 




  • Phó Quản lý Toán Cao cấp
  • 4273 posts
Mong mọi người có những góp ý chung!

Discovery is a child’s privilege. I mean the small child, the child who is not afraid to be wrong, to look silly, to not be serious, and to act differently from everyone else. He is also not afraid that the things he is interested in are in bad taste or turn out to be different from his expectations, from what they should be, or rather he is not afraid of what they actually are. He ignores the silent and flawless consensus that is part of the air we breathe – the consensus of all the people who are, or are reputed to be, reasonable.


Grothendieck, Récoltes et Semailles (“Crops and Seeds”). 



    Thượng sĩ

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  • 227 posts
Điều đầu tiên là hiểu và phân biệt được giữa : học tốt vs học giỏi.




  • Phó Quản lý Toán Cao cấp
  • 4273 posts
Thầy có thẻ phân biệt luôn được không?

Discovery is a child’s privilege. I mean the small child, the child who is not afraid to be wrong, to look silly, to not be serious, and to act differently from everyone else. He is also not afraid that the things he is interested in are in bad taste or turn out to be different from his expectations, from what they should be, or rather he is not afraid of what they actually are. He ignores the silent and flawless consensus that is part of the air we breathe – the consensus of all the people who are, or are reputed to be, reasonable.


Grothendieck, Récoltes et Semailles (“Crops and Seeds”). 



    Thượng sĩ

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Học tốt = điểm cao.
Học giỏi = hiểu những gì mình đang học và nó áp dụng như thế nào.

Vì thế , học tốt chưa chắc đã hiểu rõ những gì mình viết ra. Còn học giỏi thì chưa chắc đã điểm cao.




  • Phó Quản lý Toán Cao cấp
  • 4273 posts
Vậy thì em xin chỉnh lại câu hỏi, theo thầy, làm thế nào để học sinh học toán giỏi?

Discovery is a child’s privilege. I mean the small child, the child who is not afraid to be wrong, to look silly, to not be serious, and to act differently from everyone else. He is also not afraid that the things he is interested in are in bad taste or turn out to be different from his expectations, from what they should be, or rather he is not afraid of what they actually are. He ignores the silent and flawless consensus that is part of the air we breathe – the consensus of all the people who are, or are reputed to be, reasonable.


Grothendieck, Récoltes et Semailles (“Crops and Seeds”). 



    Thượng sĩ

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  • 227 posts
Tôi tự thấy mình còn chưa giỏi thì biết phải nói gì đây...




  • Phó Quản lý Toán Cao cấp
  • 4273 posts
Nhưng dù sao thầy vẫn là thầy giáo , thầy giảng dạy cho học sinh và biết rõ điều đó hơn ai hết! Mong thầy có thể chia sẻ kinh nghiệm để các học sinh có thể hiểu hết được cách nhìn nhận của một thầy giáo.

Discovery is a child’s privilege. I mean the small child, the child who is not afraid to be wrong, to look silly, to not be serious, and to act differently from everyone else. He is also not afraid that the things he is interested in are in bad taste or turn out to be different from his expectations, from what they should be, or rather he is not afraid of what they actually are. He ignores the silent and flawless consensus that is part of the air we breathe – the consensus of all the people who are, or are reputed to be, reasonable.


Grothendieck, Récoltes et Semailles (“Crops and Seeds”). 

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