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RoPS v6.5c

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The RoPS interpreter is a Microsoft Windows implementation of the PostScript programming language interpreter described in Adobe Systems' book, the 'PostScript language reference manual.' RoPS is optimized for viewing documents on screen, using TrueType fonts. It's ideal for reading PostScript documents downloaded from the Web.

The book Maximum Security recommends RoPS because "RoPS is smaller, easier to configure, and faster [than GhostScript.] In fact, it is probably one of the best shareware products I have ever seen; it is incredibly small for the job that it does and requires minimal memory resources. It was coded by Roger Willcocks, a software engineer in London, England."

A researcher at State University, New York, recommends RoPS because "if you want to see the document on your DOS or Windows machine, you need a PostScript viewer. I have GSview and Ghostscript and Roger Willcocks' RoPS. RoPS is smaller, faster and easier to install; Ghostscript has lots of features (I have never used most of them)."


Bài viết đã được chỉnh sửa nội dung bởi bookworm_vn: 09-08-2006 - 00:56

<span style='color:blue'>You are my escape from tension!</span>

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