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IMO short list (problems+solutions) và một vài tài liệu olympic


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IMO short list 2017: https://www.imo-offi...s/IMO2017SL.pdf

IMO short list 2016: https://molympiad.fi...rtlist-2016.pdf

IMO short list 2015: https://www.imo-offi...s/IMO2015SL.pdf

IMO short list 2014: https://www.imo-offi...s/IMO2014SL.pdf

IMO short list 2013: https://www.imo-offi...s/IMO2013SL.pdf

IMO short list 2012:https://www.imo-offi...s/IMO2012SL.pdf

IMO short list 2011:https://www.imo-offi...s/IMO2011SL.pdf

IMO short list 2010: https://www.imo-offi...s/IMO2010SL.pdf

IMO short list 2009: https://lyhourhuon.f...5/sl09_0815.pdf

IMO short list 2008: https://www.imomath....p/sl08_0916.pdf

IMO short list 2007: https://www.imo-offi...s/IMO2007SL.pdf

IMO short list 2006: https://www.imo-offi...s/IMO2006SL.pdf

IMO short list 2005: https://www.imomath....p/sl05_0707.pdf

IMO short list 2004: https://www.imomath....mocomp/sl04.pdf

IMO short list 2003: https://anhngq.files...3-shortlist.pdf

IMO short list 2002: https://anhngq.files...2-shortlist.pdf

IMO short list 1959-2004:http://web.cs.elte.h.../compendium.pdf

IMO problem and solution 1959-2009: https://hengsokha.fi...n-1959-2009.pdf


USAMO+JMO+USATST+ELMO(problem+solution): http://web.evanchen.cc/problems.html

APMO 2000-2019: https://drive.google...ywJAl0z8Y0pbEP4

APMO 2018: https://cms.math.ca/...pmo2018_sol.pdf

APMO 2017: http://www.ommenline...pmo2017_sol.pdf

APMO 2016: https://cms.math.ca/...pmo2016-sol.pdf

APMO 2015: https://cms.math.ca/...pmo2015-sol.pdf

APMO 2014: https://cms.math.ca/...pmo2014-sol.pdf

APMO 2013: https://cms.math.ca/...pmo2013-sol.pdf

APMO 2012:

+Problem: https://cms.math.ca/...am/apmo2012.pdf

+Solution: https://cms.math.ca/...pmo2012-sol.pdf

APMO 2011:

+Problem: https://cms.math.ca/...am/apmo2011.pdf

+Solution: https://cms.math.ca/...pmo2011-sol.pdf

APMO 2010: https://pdfs.semanti...0305.1561002205

APMO 1989-2009: http://estoyanov.net...tholimpiadi.pdf

Bài viết đã được chỉnh sửa nội dung bởi tritanngo99: 05-07-2019 - 21:01



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1.File gửi kèm  ứng dụng 1 mệnh đề vào số học.pdf   165.31K   427 Số lần tải

2.File gửi kèm  phần nguyên.pdf   228.87K   281 Số lần tải

3. Phương pháp LTE: https://www.google.c...SC8MCuGe6IyrCQM

4. ChuyendeBDKHTNHanoi: https://drive.google...EVjQUY2b3c/edit

5. Định đề Bertrand: https://diendantoanh...attach_id=29685

6. Số học qua các định lý và bài toán: https://diendantoanh...attach_id=32446

7. Graph theory training IMO 2008: https://euclid.ucc.i...GraphTheory.pdf

8. "Graph theory" by Po-Shen Lo 2008: http://www.math.cmu....theory-soln.pdf

9. Graph theory by Matthew Brennan (2014): https://321da88a-a-6...&attredirects=0

10. Graph theory 2015: https://docs.google....WRhZDA2MGYzODhh

11. Graph theory 2003: http://sms.math.nus....03/smograph.pdf

12. Ramsey theory: http://web.mat.bham..../RamseyGreg.pdf

13. Coloring Point: https://www.cut-the-...two_color.shtml

14. IMO training handouts: http://yufeizhao.com/olympiad/

15. IMO training materials: https://imomath.com/...tions=257&lmm=0


Một số chuyên đề toán của Titu Andresscu : http://www.mathscope...ead.php?t=14218

Bài viết đã được chỉnh sửa nội dung bởi tritanngo99: 05-07-2019 - 21:44



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BDT: https://drive.google...63COt2YobIThGYo



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IMO 2019 (problem+solution): https://www.imo2019....AZuyd2-uBiSH9cY



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updated :

+ APMO 2020 [solutions]: https://www.apmo-off...pmo2020_sol.pdf

+ APMO 2021 [solutions]: https://www.apmo-off...pmo2021_sol.pdf

+ APMO 2022 [solutions]: https://www.apmo-off...pmo2022_sol.pdf

Bài viết đã được chỉnh sửa nội dung bởi tritanngo99: 17-01-2023 - 12:27

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