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a Math problem vs ...

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First thing I should say before writing down what follows that I am sorry if the content is inappropriate and somewhat annoying to diendan. I've constantly thought about what are differences between "doing a Math problem vs having "từ cấm"". The latter one we've barely been taught in a good sense. I couldn't find them differently. You may try to think about it by considering three following steps:

1. Picking it.
2. Doing it.
3. Feeling about it after you've done it. Is it useful?

Please do not consider this topic as a "từ cấm"ual harrasment other than just a justaposition two nornal things from a member of dien dan who is struggled by thinking about it.

I am looking for some thoughts.
Chém dao xuống nước, nước càng chảy. Nâng chén tiêu sầu, càng sầu thêm.

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