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#482349 Đã tìm thấy chứng minh của Fermat?

Gửi bởi dot trong 10-02-2014 - 07:03

Bạn nào có khả năng, kiểm tra dùm cái này.


Nguồn: http://mathforum.org...hreadID=2618585



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#418942 Proof of the weak Goldbach Conjecture:Major arcs for Goldbach's theorem

Gửi bởi dot trong 17-05-2013 - 16:04

Busy day in analytic number theory; Harald Helfgott has complemented his previous paper http://arxiv.org/abs/1205.5252 (obtaining minor arc estimates for the odd Goldbach problem) with major arc estimates, thus finally obtaining an unconditional proof of the odd Goldbach conjecture that every odd number greater than five is the sum of three primes.  (This improves upon a result of mine from last year http://terrytao.word...st-five-primes/ showing that such numbers are the sum of five or fewer primes, though at the cost of a significantly lengthier argument.) As with virtually all successful partial results on the Goldbach problem, the argument proceeds by the Hardy-Littlewood-Vinogradov circle method; the challenge is to make all the estimates completely effective and to optimise all parameters (which, among other things, requires a certain amount of computer-assisted computation).  [EDIT: the proof also relies on extensive numerical verifications of GRH that were performed by David Platt.]


#418901 First proof that infinitely many prime numbers come in pairs

Gửi bởi dot trong 17-05-2013 - 07:49



Mathematician claims breakthrough towards solving centuries-old problem.

14 May 2013

Cambridge, Massachusetts


It’s a result only a mathematician could love. Researchers hoping to get ‘2’ as the answer for a long-sought proof involving pairs of prime numbers are celebrating the fact that a mathematician has wrestled the value down from infinity to 70 million.

“That’s only [a factor of] 35 million away” from the target, quips Dan Goldston, an analytic number theorist at San Jose State University in California who was not involved in the work. “Every step down is a step towards the ultimate answer.”

That goal is the proof to a conjecture concerning prime numbers. Those are the whole numbers that are divisible only by one and themselves. Primes abound among smaller numbers, but they become less and less frequent as one goes towards larger numbers. In fact, the gap between each prime and the next becomes larger and larger — on average. But exceptions exist: the ‘twin primes’, which are pairs of prime numbers that differ in value by 2. Examples of known twin primes are 3 and 5, or 17 and 19, or 2,003,663,613 × 2195,000 − 1 and 2,003,663,613 × 2195,000 + 1.

The twin prime conjecture says that there is an infinite number of such twin pairs. Some attribute the conjecture to the Greek mathematician Euclid of Alexandria, which would make it one of the oldest open problems in mathematics.

The problem has eluded all attempts to find a solution so far. A major milestone was reached in 2005 when Goldston and two colleagues showed that there is an infinite number of prime pairs that differ by no more than 16 (ref. 1). But there was a catch. “They were assuming a conjecture that no one knows how to prove,” says Dorian Goldfeld, a number theorist at Columbia University in New York.

The new result, from Yitang Zhang of the University of New Hampshire in Durham, finds that there are infinitely many pairs of primes that are less than 70 million units apart without relying on unproven conjectures. Although 70 million seems like a very large number, the existence of any finite bound, no matter how large, means that that the gaps between consecutive numbers don’t keep growing forever. The jump from 2 to 70 million is nothing compared with the jump from 70 million to infinity. “If this is right, I’m absolutely astounded,” says Goldfeld.

Zhang presented his research on 13 May to an audience of a few dozen at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and the fact that the work seems to use standard mathematical techniques led some to question whether Zhang could really have succeeded where others failed.

But a referee report from the Annals of Mathematics, to which Zhang submitted his paper, suggests he has. “The main results are of the first rank,” states the report, a copy of which Zhang provided to Nature. “The author has succeeded to prove a landmark theorem in the distribution of prime numbers. … We are very happy to strongly recommend acceptance of the paper for publication in the Annals.”

Goldston, who was sent a copy of the paper, says that he and the other researchers who have seen it “are feeling pretty good” about it. “Nothing is obviously wrong,” he says.

For his part, Zhang, who has been working on the paper since a key insight came to him during a visit to a friend’s house last July, says he expects that the paper’s mathematical machinery will allow for the value of 70 million to be pushed downwards. “We may reduce it,” he says.

Goldston does not think the value can be reduced all the way to 2 to prove the twin prime conjecture. But he says the very fact that there is a number at all is a huge breakthrough. “I was doubtful I would ever live to see this result,” he says.

Zhang will resubmit the paper, with a few minor tweaks, this week.

Nature doi:10.1038/nature.2013.12989 References

Goldston, D. A., Pintz, J. & Yıldırım, C. Y. Ann. Math. 170, 819862 (2009)


#404021 Euler's constant: Euler's work and modern developments

Gửi bởi dot trong 11-03-2013 - 15:31


#383542 Chứng minh định lý Fecma

Gửi bởi dot trong 04-01-2013 - 11:13

Bản lược dịch này dành cho các bạn tò mò muốn biết chứng minh sơ cấp mới của bạn Phương về FLT mà không đọc được tiếng Anh.

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#375272 Chứng minh giả thuyết Legendre?

Gửi bởi dot trong 05-12-2012 - 07:33

Lấy từ arXiv.org

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#354025 Giả thuyết abc đã được chứng minh?

Gửi bởi dot trong 14-09-2012 - 09:42

Nhà toán học Shinichi Mochizuki của ĐH Kyoto, Nhật Bản đã đưa ra một chứng minh dài 500 trang cho giả thuyết abc. Chứng minh hiện đang được kiểm chứng.

Nếu chứng minh của GS Mochizuki là đúng thì nó sẽ là một trong những thành tựu đáng kinh ngạc nhất của toán học trong thế kỷ 21.

Điều thú vị không chỉ là giả thuyết được giải quyết mà các kỹ thuật và hiểu biết được giới thiệu còn là những công cụ rất mạnh để giải quyết các vấn đề trong lý thuyết số.


Proof claimed for deep connection between primes
If it is true, a solution to the abc conjecture about whole numbers would be an ‘astounding’ achievement.
The usually quiet world of mathematics is abuzz with a claim that one of the most important problems in number theory has been solved.

Mathematician Shinichi Mochizuki of Kyoto University in Japan has released a 500-page proof of the abc conjecture, which proposes a relationship between whole numbers — a 'Diophantine' problem.

The abc conjecture, proposed independently by David Masser and Joseph Oesterle in 1985, might not be as familiar to the wider world as Fermat’s Last Theorem, but in some ways it is more significant. “The abc conjecture, if proved true, at one stroke solves many famous Diophantine problems, including Fermat's Last Theorem,” says Dorian Goldfeld, a mathematician at Columbia University in New York. “If Mochizuki’s proof is correct, it will be one of the most astounding achievements of mathematics of the twenty-first century.”

Like Fermat’s theorem, the abc conjecture refers to equations of the form a+b=c. It involves the concept of a square-free number: one that cannot be divided by the square of any number. Fifteen and 17 are square free-numbers, but 16 and 18 — being divisible by 42 and 32, respectively — are not.

The 'square-free' part of a number n, sqp(n), is the largest square-free number that can be formed by multiplying the factors of n that are prime numbers. For instance, sqp(18)=2×3=6.

If you’ve got that, then you should get the abc conjecture. It concerns a property of the product of the three integers axbxc, or abc — or more specifically, of the square-free part of this product, which involves their distinct prime factors. It states that for integers a+b=c, the ratio of sqp(abc)r/c always has some minimum value greater than zero for any value of r greater than 1. For example, if a=3 and b=125, so that c=128, then sqp(abc)=30 and sqp(abc)2/c = 900/128. In this case, in which r=2, sqp(abc)r/c is nearly always greater than 1, and always greater than zero.

Deep connection
It turns out that this conjecture encapsulates many other Diophantine problems, including Fermat’s Last Theorem (which states that an+bn=cn has no integer solutions if n>2). Like many Diophantine problems, it is all about the relationships between prime numbers. According to Brian Conrad of Stanford University in California, “it encodes a deep connection between the prime factors of a, b and a+b”.

Many mathematicians have expended a great deal of effort trying to prove the conjecture. In 2007, French mathematician Lucien Szpiro, whose work in 1978 led to the abc conjecture in the first place claimed to have a proof of it, but it was soon found to be flawed.

Like Szpiro, and also like British mathematician Andrew Wiles, who proved Fermat’s Last Theorem in 1994, Mochizuki has attacked the problem using the theory of elliptic curves — the smooth curves generated by algebraic relationships of the sort y2=x3+ax+b.

There, however, the relationship of Mochizuki’s work to previous efforts stops. He has developed techniques that very few other mathematicians fully understand and that invoke new mathematical ‘objects’ — abstract entities analogous to more familiar examples such as geometric objects, sets, permutations, topologies and matrices. “At this point, he is probably the only one that knows it all,” says Goldfeld.

Conrad says that the work “uses a huge number of insights that are going to take a long time to be digested by the community”. The proof is spread across four long papers1–4, each of which rests on earlier long papers. “It can require a huge investment of time to understand a long and sophisticated proof, so the willingness by others to do this rests not only on the importance of the announcement but also on the track record of the authors,” Conrad explains.

Mochizuki’s track record certainly makes the effort worthwhile. “He has proved extremely deep theorems in the past, and is very thorough in his writing, so that provides a lot of confidence,” says Conrad. And he adds that the pay-off would be more than a matter of simply verifying the claim. “The exciting aspect is not just that the conjecture may have now been solved, but that the techniques and insights he must have had to introduce should be very powerful tools for solving future problems in number theory.”

#347410 Tìm một số sách khoa học thường thức (Hard SF)

Gửi bởi dot trong 17-08-2012 - 09:19

Thêm một vài cuốn.

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#347315 Tìm một số sách khoa học thường thức (Hard SF)

Gửi bởi dot trong 16-08-2012 - 21:18

Một số sách bạn cần tìm.


Gửi bởi dot trong 15-06-2012 - 09:57

How to Become a Pure Mathematician


How Mathematicians Think: Using Ambiguity, Contradiction, and Paradox to Create Mathematics



When Least Is Best: How Mathematicians Discovered Many Clever Ways to Make Things as Small (or as Large) as Possible


#280204 Chứng minh định lý Fecma

Gửi bởi dot trong 26-10-2011 - 11:04

Tin nóng hổi đê. Có một lời giải sơ cấp hay lém được đề nghị ở http://mathforum.org nè .

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